At SHW we have a diligent and experienced specialist team of planning consultants who operate across the South East of England. They offer planning services for a wide range of clients, utilising their extensive knowledge and skills to assist you with both rural and urban areas.

Our services
Our Teams are experts in the following areas:
Advertisement Consent Applications
Certificates of Lawfulness - Existing / Proposed Uses / Buildings
Discharge / Variation / Removal of Condition Applications
Full / Outline / Householder Planning Applications
Listed Building Consent Applications
Planning Appeal Applications
Planning Appraisals
Planning Enforcement Applications
Pre-Application Enquiries
Prior Approval Applications
Strategic Land Promotion - Local Plan Submissions
Written Representations - Neighbour Objection Letters

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SHW South London
Corinthian House, 17 Lansdowne Road
Croydon CR0 2BX
020 8662 2700
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SHW Crawley / Gatwick
Origin One, 108 High Street, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 1BD
01293 441300
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SHW Brighton
Lees House, 21-33 Dyke Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3FE
01273 876200
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