What can SHW do for you
Evaluation of Situation: We assess the alleged breach of planning control or enforcement notice issued by the local authority against your property/land.
Legal Guidance: Providing advice on the enforcement notice, exploring your rights, and discussing potential solutions or courses of action.
Negotiation Support: Engaging with the local planning authority to negotiate a resolution or regularisation of any unauthorised form of development.
Representation: Acting as your representative during discussions with local planning authorities or potentially in appeal hearings.
Please use our Planning Enquiry Form if you would like further information.

Our method
Our aim is to guide you through the planning enforcement process, exploring options to address any alleged breach of planing control and working towards a resolution that aligns with both your interests and planning legislation/policies.
After an initial assessment to review the alleged breach, we will propose a suitable way forward. We will then devise a strategy which may involve negotiation with the local planing authority, submision of a planing aplication or preparation of an appeal application.

SHW Services
- Planning Appraisals
- Pre-Application Enquiries
- Full/Outline/Householder Planning Applications
- Advertisement Consent Applications
- Listed Building Consent Applications
- Discharge/Variation/Removal of Condition Applications
- Certificates of Lawfulness – Existing/Proposed Uses/Buildings
- Prior Approval Applications
- Planning Appeal Applications
- Planning Enforcement Applications
- Written Representations – Neighbour Objection Letters
- Strategic Land Promotion – Local Plan Submissions

See everythingFilter by:

20 February 2024
Announcement of New Legislation to Facilitate Housing Development (March 2024)
3 November 2023
SHW’s planning team secures change of use to convert redundant commercial building into residential
19 September 2023
SHW’s planning department paves way for a nursery to residential conversion on Deptford Broadway