28 July 2022
SHW Beach Volleyball World Cup
SHW News
Yesterday afternoon, thirty SHW athletes took part in the Beach Volleyball World Cup, hosted by Yellowave Beach Sports on Brighton seafront, joined by a large group of supporters from our offices.

Five countries were represented: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark and Egypt.
Each team played each other over ten matches in five rounds, with one team sitting out for each round.
Once all the games had finished, the results were announced:
Egypt were the winners, winning all their games, and finishing with a total score of 62 points.
Brazil won Silver with a total score of 58 points.
Canada and Australia shared Bronze, both with a total score of 53 points.
Denmark finished with a total of 50 points.
After the match, the players and spectators joined for a delicious barbecue and post-match drinks supplied by the Yellowave team. A grand total of £130.00 was raised for our partner charities. Thanks to everyone who took part and spectated.