4 June 2019
Permitted Development Rights - retail to office conversion
New permitted development regulations have been made permanent allowing conversion of shops (A1), financial and professional services (A2), hot food takeaways (A5), betting offices, pay day loan shops and launderettes to office use (B1a). The aim is to create a flexible high street to meet current and future trends by providing a more suitable platform for a wider mix of economic activity.
Prior approval is required by the Local Planning Authority and the conditions attached to the amendment must be met. These consider the impact on transport and highways, noise and the availability of amenity services in the local area to compensate the loss of use in question.
Concluding, according to SHW Planner Michael Green: "Clearly something needs to be done rejuvenating UK high streets and providing suitable replacement office space, but time will tell if these reforms will provide solutions. There will however be some scope for conversion which may be of interest and benefit to landlords and potential occupiers alike."
Michael Green