The challenges facing landlords of commercial property are attracting and retaining tenants, ensuring the property is compliant with all legislation from EPC's to Health & Safety, delivery of service at the property that exceeds the tenants expectations, ensuring prompt payment of all charges so the Landlord can discharge their own liabilities and maximise the return on their investment.

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How we can help you
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Property ownership is a partnership between the landlord, tenant, and the management team acting as a link between the parties. We always focus on enhancing your investment value by securing rental flow and generating steady capital improvements. We can manage your portfolios and individual properties whether you are an institutional, charitable, public, commercial, or private client. We specialise in industrial units and estates, offices and office parks, high street shops and shopping centres, retail parks and parades, and mixed portfolios and single buildings.



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How we do it
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Our Property Management teams are based in London (inside M25 properties), Crawley (outside M25 properties) and Brighton (South Coast properties). Our management surveyors are regularly on site, to ensure that we provide a pro-active service for the tenants. We work closely with our network of regional offices on matters of rent review and lease renewal or lease restructuring, to ensure our clients' interests are protected and enhanced.

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Commercial Property Management services
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  • Inspections
  • Planned property maintenance
  • Rent collection and client accounting
  • Service charge budgeting and collection
  • Site staff engagement and supervision
  • Tenant liaison
  • 24/7 emergency arrangements

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People finder
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See our people

"You need someone who has the time to devote to it, who pays close attention to detail, does the rent collection, and gets the timing spot on - Stiles ticked all the boxes. They were keen to find ways of getting the reporting more streamlined and they were so much better than the managing agents for the other half of the portfolio that we soon decided to put the whole portfolio with SHW"

Astrantra Asset Management

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