Schedules of condition are a factual record of the condition of a property and can be prepared for both residential and commercial buildings. These are prepared for legal or contractual reasons and provided a benchmark against which the condition of the building can be assessed in the future and any changes identified.

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How we can help you
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Acquring a New Property

Often required when a new lease is entered into to confirm the condition of the property. This ensures the condition is reocrded so that any existing defects and their repair costs are idenfified prior to the new lease being agreed. A schedule also assists with establishing responsibility for dilapidations and reinstatement upon lease termination.



Party Walls & Construction
If a neighbouring property is undertaking building in accordance to the Party Wall etc. Act 1996, a Schedule of Condition can determine whether any damage has occured and what repairs, if applicable, should be carried out.

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How we do it
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Our main objective in preparing or checking a Schedule of Condition is to ensure that the schedule fairly represents the condition of the premises at the time of the inspection.


We will examine the lease documents to establish the nature and detail of repairing covenants to enable us to advise of the consequences of incorporating, or acceptability of, specific covenants in the lease.


A written report with a photographic schedule will be prepared and if requested, we can arrange for testing and / or validation of building services installations.


Schedules of Condition are undertaken in line with the RICS Guidance for condition reports.

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Schedule of condition services
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We can undertake a Schedule of condition for:


  • Lease Renewal
  • New Lease
  • Party Wall
  • Record the general condition of a property

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