Licences are often required for alterations to a property, to permit scaffold being erected and for specialist works to be undertaken where specific health and safety standards need to be adhered to.

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How we can help you
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We can undertake various licences, not limited to the below:


Licence to Alter

A Licence to Alter is a formal written document from the Landlord that provides approval to undertake alterations or improvement works to your leasehold property.  This needs to be obtained  prior to commencing the works to prevent breach of the lease. 


Scaffold Licence

We can produce a scaffold licence which is often required when scaffold breaches the adjoining property development.

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How we do it
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To produce a Licence to Alter consideration would be given to identify the agreed changes and the condition under which those changes must be undertaken. These will include the agreed works, the conditions such as noise and waste, insurance requirements and allocation of costs, where relevant.


We have extensive experience with licences and our qualfiied building surveyors would undertake in accordance with the RICS Guidance Licence for alterations in commercial property.

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Licenses services
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  • Scaffold License
  • License to alter

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SHW London

14-15 Berners Street, London, W1T 3LJ

020 7389 1500
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SHW South London

Corinthian House, 17 Lansdowne Road Croydon CR0 2BX

020 8662 2700
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SHW Crawley / Gatwick

Origin One, 108 High Street, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 1BD

01293 441300
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SHW Brighton

Lees House, 21-33 Dyke Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3FE

01273 876200
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SHW East Sussex

Chantry House, 22 Upperton Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 1BF

01323 437900
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SHW West Sussex Coast

3 Liverpool Gardens, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 1TF

01903 229200
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