How we can help
We have worked with numerous Academy Schools and have been instrumental in assisting them with successful bids to the EFA in applying for Funding for projects up to £1.5M. We have progressed these bids through to project stage having been engaged by the Schools to prepare detailed designs, technical specifications and project management of the works, in conformity with the EFA Guidelines.
Projects worked on range from major re-roofing works and window replacement programmes to improvements and refurbishment of teaching blocks to improve the thermal envelope and upgrade the internal environment with new ceilings, lighting and control systems.
We are working closely with a number of Schools to implement expansion proposals to facilitate the projected increase in pupil numbers flowing through the education system and have been instrumental in assisting Schools applying for funds to embark on their expansion programmes.
We assisted Weydon Multi Academy Trust, an 'Outstanding School' in Farnham, who were awarded substantial funds to expand 2 of their schools. We have been appointed as the Project Manager and Architectural Designer for these multi-million pound projects to create several new teaching blocks, a Performing Arts Centre and sports facilities including professional all-weather floodlit 3G rugby and football pitches to create a lasting legacy for future generations.