23 October 2023
SHW Brighton and Worthing Offices help clean up Brighton Beach in last CSR day of 2023.
CSR at SHW means commitment, and all our activities are co-ordinated through the CSR Committee, which is chaired by the Senior Partner and includes the Managing Partner, Head of HR and an enthusiastic team of volunteers providing a great cross section of all SHW employees and Partners. Part of SHW’s CSR objectives is to encourage all employees to give their time at a regional volunteering day where we can help with a local project or cause.

This week marked the last SHW Volunteering Day of the year with a beach clean carried out by volunteers from our Brighton and Worthing offices. We were well and truly aware of the challenges involved in planning an outdoor activity in the middle of October with the great British weather keeping us guessing. We couldn’t have asked for a better day and by the time we met at Brighton Pier, skies were blue, the sun was shining, and the seagulls were squawking.
We worked in pairs and small groups covering approx. 1km looking for plastic and other rubbish that we could prevent from washing into the sea. The wind was working against us at the start with several of our rubbish bags being turned inside out by heavy gusts. This provided great entertainment to members of the public as we scrambled to reclaim the rubbish we had already collected. The most common items we found were cigarette butts, bottle caps and small pieces of rope. Some of the more unusual items were a shoe sole, an excessively large bolt and a hammer buried in the pebbles.
Having satisfied ourselves that we played our part in making our town’s best attraction a little bit better for tourists and residents, we stopped for a few well-earned refreshments.
Across the company this year we have collectively provided somewhere in the region of 312 volunteering hours which is in addition to all our fundraising efforts at cake sales, clothes drives and sports days!
If you have any ideas for future volunteering days, please let the CSR team know, contact Carlie Edgerton at cedgerton@shw.co.uk